Our Services

Business Services

Entity Services
Tax Planning

Tax Return Preparation

Business Valuations

Financial Statement Preparation

Sales and Use Tax Compliance

Correspondence with Taxing Authorities

Personal Services

Tax Return Preparation

Tax Planning

Gift Tax Return Planning and Preparation

Trust and Estate Return Preparation

Retirement Planning

Correspondence with Taxing Authorities

Property Tax/Rent Rebates

College FAFSA forms

Advisory Services

Business Sales, Aquisitions, Mergers, and Dispositions

Succession Planning/Business Forecasts

General Business Consulting

Controllership Services

 Bookkeeping Services (Including Bill Paying/Invoicing)

General Ledger Maintenance

Bank Statement Reconciliations

General Advisory Services to Owner/Board

Financial Statement Preparation

Payroll Services

Weekly, Bi-weekly, or monthly payroll processing

Direct Deposit Available

Quarterly and Annual Payroll Tax Return Preparation

Wage and tax law updates impacting the client and employees

Quickbook Pro Advisor Services
(training, setup, troubleshooting and maintenance)

Additional Services

Auditing Services
Non Proft Organizations
Tax Compliance


Tax Return Preparation

Financial Statement Preparation

General Advisory Service

Attend board meetings to review financial statements